31 October 2008

Google Maps driving direction to Machang, Malaysia

Google Maps driving direction back again as today, 31 Oct 2008. It not official, I guessed (since not mentioned in Google LatLong). So, I give it a try from Kuala Lumpur to Machang

From Misc

The routing is accurate and fast (compared to Garmin Que+malsingmaps which lead me to Ipoh instead of Gua Musang before reach Machang). But the direction is not detail enough, see the instruction no 24 in screenshot below. "Continue on 8 -- 307 km" but from the map, the blue road show that you have turn right at Pekan Gua Musang.

From Misc

You should try 'Print' function, look useful. Hey, this driving direction also works on Google Maps on my Windows Mobile, Dopod M700. On mobile version, you have feature 'My Location' and integration with GPS works for me.

Cannot wait to see Malaysian Street View :-)

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