04 December 2005

Vim in windows

For some reasons, I used Windows XP this whole week. I can't live without vim when doing programming. One of common feature I used is 'visual block' by press 'Ctrl+v', and default configuration for gVim assume 'Ctrl+V' as paste. No idea+lazy to google solution for this, I use vim in cygwin.

From the setup.exe of cygwin, need to check for option vim (unchecked in default setting) to install vim. After set my .vimrc, I can used vim as usual in my Linux/FreeBSD box plus the command-line (bash in cygwin). A bit annoying when copying snippet code from web browser, firefox to the cygwin window. You need to click top-left cygwin window>Edit>Paste :(


Anonymous said...

Why not just use vim for Windows?

gvim self installer.

Foobaz said...

gvim self installer.

Yeah, my problem is because I use that vim for Windows :)

Anonymous said...

from vim help pages:
...Since CTRL-V is used to paste, you can't use it to start a blockwise Visual selection. You can use CTRL-Q instead. You can also use CTRL-Q in Insert mode and Command-line mode to get the old meaning of CTRL-V. But CTRL-Q doesn't work for terminals when it's used for control flow...

Anonymous said...

You've probably discovered this for yourself in the intervening year, but if you haven't -- try using the rxvt terminal emulator. You can then use middle-click paste in cygwin programs, and it looks so much nicer than the dos window.

oem software said...

Many thanks for the information. Now I will know it.