29 October 2005

Update favorite firefox extensions + form repetition

>>Previous post

1. SessionSaver
2. Aardvrak
3. ScrapBook
4. Tab X
5. Selenium Recorder

Nice script, Form Repetition by ian (like add attachment in Gmail). Don't have time to play with it :(

16 October 2005

mp3 to ogg conversion.

I'm using oggplay, v1.6.5 (since frequency analyzer works for .ogg in this version) as music player for my Nokia 3230. The problem is, how to batch conversion mp3 to ogg. I use Audio Conversion Wizard 1.8 in my Windows box. But it shareware :(, I'm gonna try oggdrogXPd.

I'm prefer command-line. After spend some time googling, I got this command from a website:

helmi > mpg321 un\ de\ vez\ en\ cuando.mp3 -w - | oggenc -o test.ogg -

08 October 2005

Main menu of my Nokia 3230

Originally uploaded by Gambar_Helmi.
I just uploaded few screenshots of my new series 60 handset interface. Feel free to visit my photos ;) Check out also my bookmark

07 October 2005

Creating nodes for Javascript DOM

First of all, new FreeBSD website launched. I just like it.

I had created a dynamic select box, [add/remove value from text box] for one of my javascript. It just works perfectly in firefox and the customer happy with it. But it doesn't work in IE (surely I will be blamed since most of the user using IE).

I need to add/remove node in select box. So I just refer to website one of javascript guru. It just using method appendChild and removeChild, duhh. But IE don't like it. I had tried debug using the Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar (doesn't help me, explore DOM in firefox much better). After spent some time googling, I got a nice article. Snippet below solved my problem.

try {
elSel.add(elOptNew, null); // standards compliant; doesn't work in IE
catch(ex) {
elSel.add(elOptNew); // IE only